Thanks, Hb.
I enjoyed it immensely and gleaned info for my next writing class.
Looking forward to 15 February!
i’ve just won the lottery!.
this will really make all of you jealous!
no truly, i won’t have to work again, enough money for all my needs and more, a lot more!
Thanks, Hb.
I enjoyed it immensely and gleaned info for my next writing class.
Looking forward to 15 February!
i’ve just won the lottery!.
this will really make all of you jealous!
no truly, i won’t have to work again, enough money for all my needs and more, a lot more!
South Pacific Cargo cult! -- Half banana
I've read about the islanders and their mock-ups of WWII aircraft, those in hopes of receiving more bounteous rains of goods from "Heaven."
If it suits to elaborate, more like comparisons would be welcomed. Your commentary is enjoyable reading.
i’ve just won the lottery!.
this will really make all of you jealous!
no truly, i won’t have to work again, enough money for all my needs and more, a lot more!
You might have "won" on the basis of family merit if, as you surmised, you have true believers in your immediate family.
i've heard many folks on this forum talk about summer warming as though it's a fact.
but this is totally fake and made up.
anyone whose done any research knows it does not get any warmer in the summer than it does the winter.
You're funny, Coded Logic. I saw through your serious mien. We're both children of the fog, as you may have read in my post.
Stay cool.
just seen this announced on reddit:.
ken cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the governing body.
i dont recall him from the broadcasts, but he was formally a helper on the writing committee as per
George Gangas, I believe, had been a short-order cook. Back then there were some dozen-plus members of the GB.
He did, after all, speak Greek, a real boon to the work. I remember him as being very warm and friendly.
just seen this announced on reddit:.
ken cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the governing body.
i dont recall him from the broadcasts, but he was formally a helper on the writing committee as per
When I was at Bethel, I got anointed.
I talked to Fred Franz about the seriousness of my new standing with Jesus and Jehovah and changed my mind. Many young Bethel brothers became anointed. Some remained anointed, most didn't.
Years later, I gave the Memorial talk in my KH, and my mother partook and continued as an anointed till she died.
In her case, she was certain; in mine, not so much so.
God works in mysterious ways . . .
i've heard many folks on this forum talk about summer warming as though it's a fact.
but this is totally fake and made up.
anyone whose done any research knows it does not get any warmer in the summer than it does the winter.
Coded Logic:
I have nothing of a scientific nature to add; however, having grown up somewhat north of you, I do recall how peeved I was with the cool, foggy summers. Back then, we had a three-month summer vacation, returning to school after Labor Day. Apart from the occasional hot day here and there, most summer days were cool, with fog lifting around 10:00 a.m. and returning about 4:00 p.m.
After Labor Day and back to school, it was warm and wonderful. But I was back in school and not on the beach! .
would someone please make this link clickable?.
Greetings, Diogenesister:
I'm doing very well, thanks, and I hope you are, too!
Yes, I have The Good Earth, 1931 edition, the very copy I grew up with -- Mom's copy. .
would someone please make this link clickable?.
The child of American missionaries in China, [Pearl] Buck spent the first half of her life in Asia. Her most famous book, 1931’s “The Good Earth,” humanized Chinese characters for Western audiences and won the Pulitzer Prize. She won the 1938 Nobel Prize for Literature “for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces.”
kingdom ministry school.
2018 service year.
programme for congregation elders: file:///c:/users/michael/downloads/kms-tk18-e_no8.pdf.
This was in the '60s:
I received 2000 dollars in grants and scholarships for my first year in a private college. That covered everything, including living expenses. My rented room was 40 dollars a month.
How far would that amount get a student today?
An anointed sister, whose JW son was a college professor, advised me to continue my education. If she's ruling in heaven today, her influence over the GB is moot.